NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Can I amend my will?

Having a will is a final statement of how you want your assets to be managed after your death. However, sometimes you may want to change it. You may have had a child, for example, and what to add him/her into your will. You may have also acquired more assets and would like to reconsider […]

Have you outgrown your current home?

Knowing when to move is not always as straight forward as one might think. At times, the need for a change is apparent and unavoidable, but other times, it grows over time and may even go unnoticed. Let’s have a look at a few of the biggest indications that it might be time to move house. Growing pains  A […]

The validity of an Antenuptial Contract

John and Susan are getting married on the 5th of October 1993. They have chosen to get married by way of an Antenuptial Contract. John and Susan signed the contract on the 3rd of October 1993 in front of their attorney who had a Power of Attorney on their behalf to sign in front of a Notary, as […]

A walk through the Deeds Office

The deeds office is a vastly complex and daunting system to master. It takes conveyancers years to fully understand not only the process of conveyancing but also the internal workings of the office. This is a brief overview of the process we as conveyancers follow when we arrive at lodgement and beyond. Step 0: Instruction […]

Living in a mixed-use building: What to look out for

Even before the pandemic changed the way we see our home and work environments, with many finding for the first time that these two could be the same place, centrally located accommodation had already been taking the real estate world by storm. In international cities such as New York, London, and Paris, these all-in-one lifestyle centres have gained popularity over the years, with cities such as […]

Ensuring the well-being of the community

Finding the right home is not only about finding an architectural structure that meets your requirements (three bedrooms, sun in the afternoon, a yard for the dogs, access control for the kids, etc.). The search is as much about finding a community you want to become a part of. For many residents, the community that surrounds them is governed by an […]

How do our courts interpret wills and testaments?

A family member of yours recently passed on. They left a will in which you are named as a beneficiary, but it transpires that a few provisions in their will are unclear or ambiguous. What does this mean for your inheritance? Is a court only permitted to order what is explicitly written by the testator? […]

Investing in a rental property

Buying a rental property could be an incredible investment opportunity, however, it’s important to make a well-informed decision before investing, as it is not for everyone. Although investing in a rental property provides many benefits, such as a potential extra income, and a way of paying off the property, it poses certain risks as well. […]

Managing disputes over a deceased relative’s estate

If someone leaves a sizeable estate behind, it may cause conflict among the possible heirs. The help of an attorney, when settling an estate after a death, can avoid unnecessary troubles. The Administration of Estates Act, 1965, determines what must happen with an estate after a person’s death. There are certain steps that should be […]

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