NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Non-resident sellers of immovable property

Section 35A of the Income Tax Act[1] came into effect on 1 September 2007 and sets out the capital gains tax consequences of the sale of immovable property situated in South Africa in instances where the seller is not a South African tax resident. In terms of these provisions, the purchaser of the immovable property is […]

Personal liability of directors of Non-profit Organisations

I am a director of an NPO. Can I be held liable in my personal capacity for damages caused by or debt incurred by the organisation? I thought that I was doing something good. What does it mean to carry on business recklessly? Can I be held accountable if I knew about dodgy transactions but it was not my signature on the […]

Know how to make the most out of home insurance

Home insurance is there to protect one of the most important assets you own. And when done properly, it will allow you to insure both the structure of your home and the life that is lived within its four walls.Home insurance can be divided into three sections: Building Insurance, Home Contents Insurance, and Personal Valuables Insurance. The purpose of Building Insurance is to cover only the structure of your property, and Home […]

The rising popularity of sectional title ownership

Sectional titles have become a staple in the real estate industry over the past decades. And with all the benefits that come with it, it makes sense. Heightened security, lower insurance costs on buildings and outdoor areas, shared maintenance costs with other owners, becoming part of a community, no cleaning the pool on Saturday mornings – it sounds like any […]

NGL Attorneys Is POPIA Compliant!

Respecting and protecting your Personal Information is very important to us. Not only is this a Constitutional right, but it is a good business practice which we take very seriously. In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act, Act 4 of 2013 (“the Act”) we: • Accept joint responsibility and accountability with you to […]

Buying a property in your 20s

The property market has been a more advantageous ground recently than it has been in the past few decades. Especially if you are a millennial, whose news feed keeps you updated on just about everything that goes on in the world, it’s not something that has gone unnoticed. This has brought the question of whether to purchase a house or to go […]

Buying or renting: Which is best?

The property market was labelled a buyer’s market for most of 2020. Even though the year proved to be disastrous in many respects, many factors were beneficial for property buyers. From the historically low interest rates and the adjustment of the property transfer threshold, to lowered property prices, the market opened its doors to buyers (at least figuratively speaking for most of the year due to lockdown regulations). Now at […]

Conflicts of interest in a deceased estate

The nomination of an executor is an important aspect of a Last Will and Testament. An executor is nominated in a Last Will and Testament and, upon death, he or she administers and distributes the estate in accordance with the testamentary wishes of the deceased. Importantly, although a person can nominate an executor, the executor […]

The benefits of honesty in house-hunting

Estate agents play a vital role in the efficiency and ease of most real estate transactions. They are guides, advisers, companions, gurus, and partners to buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants alike. The strength of this relationship, however, is built on a foundation of open communication and transparency. When your estate agent is working off of lacklustre information, half-truths and muddled facts, the results […]

The facts of property auctions

Buying and selling properties through auction has always been a staple of the real estate market. And to this day, it remains one of the best ways to purchase properties at bargain prices. Unfortunately, numerous misconceptions around properties that go up for auction also exist, some of which are entirely unfounded and can be easily dispelled. “Only properties that have been repossessed by the bank go on auction.”  Voluntary auctions are events where […]

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