NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

How to rescue your business

Is your company experiencing financial strain? Are creditors breathing down your neck? Business Rescue proceedings may be a solution to your problems. Business Rescue is an approach that is governed by the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (“the new Companies Act”) with the aim of assisting companies which are experiencing financial strain and are unable […]

How do I get copyright on something?

Whenever someone creates a piece of original work based on their own idea, they are automatically granted copyright on that creation. This includes work produced by authors, musicians, computer programmers, artists etc. Once someone has taken their idea and turned it into material form, they will immediately own the copyright on their work without having […]

The A, B and C of service of legal documents

How are legal documents supposed to be served, and what is regarded as invalid service? Purpose of service of legal documents: The fundamental rule with regards to service is that the court must be satisfied that the defendant or respondent has received these documents and is therefore aware that legal proceedings are being brought against […]

Determining the grounds for informed consent

If a person gives consent without acknowledging, understanding and considering their rights beforehand, is their consent legal and permissible in court? In eviction proceedings, it is questioned whether the granted eviction order may be cancelled after the unlawful occupiers had allegedly consented to it. Occupiers of erven 87 & 88 Berea v Christiaan Frederick De […]

Gearing up for POPI compliance

The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act will soon be tabled in parliament. The POPI Act outlines how companies may collect, handle, store and discard the personal information of others. The new regulations come with heavy penalties for those that fail to comply. POPI can only commence once the Information Regulator is operational. Once the […]

Is your business POPI compliant?

POPI refers to South Africa’s Protection of Personal Information Act which seeks to regulate the Processing of Personal Information. What is Personal Information? Means any information relating to an identifiable, living natural person or juristic person (companies, CC’s etc.) and includes, but is not limited to: Contact details: email, telephone, address etc. Demographic information: age, […]

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