NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

The South Africa common law presumption of collation (collatio bonorum) is alive and well.

This presumption is rooted in the belief that a testator intended that there should be equality in the distribution of his estate among his descendants (“children”). Collation is the process by which the inheritance of certain descendants (heirs)of the deceased is adjusted to consider any substantial benefits received from the testator during his lifetime.

Collation is achieved by adding to the inheritance the amount due by each heir. The new total shall then be divided between all the heirs. An heir cannot, if he refuses to collate, enforce legal remedies to claim his share of the inheritance.

Collation further takes place by operation of law and therefore applies automatically to your will, or if you have failed to execute a will it applies to your intestate heirs.

If you, therefore, intend to release any of your descendants (heirs) from this obligation to collate it should be clearly expressed in your will, by adding the following paragraph: –

“I direct that my children need not collate any of the gifts or sums of money they received from me during my lifetime and I remit collation so far as they are concerned.”

Or if you specifically intend for one of your descendants (heirs) to collate it should be clearly expressed in your will, by adding the following paragraph: –

“I record that during my lifetime I advanced to my son, Piet Louw sums totalling in all R300 000 (three hundred thousand rand) to enable him to qualify as an attorney and I direct that he collates that sum with my estate before he is paid his inheritance in terms of this will.

An heir who is obliged to collate has the choice of restoring the property he has received or permitting a deduction equal to the value he received at the time of the gift.

Considering the above it is imperative to have your true intentions reflected in your will and to enlist the services of an estate specialist to assist you with your estate planning and the drafting of your will.

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