NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Socially distanced property viewings

Socially distanced property viewings The real estate industry has always been known for utilising the latest technologies available to bring buyers and sellers together. From announcements at Town Hall gatherings to the printing presses, the introduction of radios and television sets in households, and finally the World Wide Web, property practitioners have always been on […]

What’s next for struggling businesses?

What’s next for struggling businesses? South Africa has been experiencing very slow economic growth and international rating agencies have subsequently downgraded South Africa’s investment outlook to “junk status”. This, and a myriad of other factors, have negatively impacted South African businesses, especially small and medium business enterprises. Many of these struggling enterprises are now at […]

How is your property’s value being affected?

How is your property’s value being affected? Preparing a home that will soon enter the market is one of the first steps of the selling process. But these preparations, intended to make a property more attractive for prospective buyers, should always be approached carefully and, above all, strategically. These are a few key elements that […]

Demystifying the executor of a deceased estate

Demystifying the executor of a deceased estate During a person’s lifetime s/he will gather assets, in other words, belongings such as a house or a motor vehicle. These assets and liabilities will form part of a person’s estate. At the death of that person, his/her deceased estate must be administered, in other words, divided, distributed […]

Parental rights during the lockdown

Parental rights during the lockdown On 23 March 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced a nationwide 21-day lockdown, which was extended by a further two weeks on 9 April 2020.On 30 March 2020, Social Services Minister Lindiwe Zulu issued Directions in terms of Regulation 10(5) of the Regulations made under Section 27(2) of the Disaster Management […]

How to Find the perfect tenant

How to Find the perfect tenant The success or failure of your rental property will be determined by the tenant you choose to live in it. When a bad tenant moves in, it can lead to stress and financial loss on the owner’s part, but when a good tenant moves in, it can lead to […]

Why is my property transfer taking so long?

Why is my property transfer taking so long? After signing a deed of sale, the purchasers often want to move into the property as soon as possible. When they are informed of the process involved prior to the property being transferred this may damper their excitement. There may also be delays in the transaction. In […]

Post-lockdown property

Post-lockdown property At the end of the national lockdown, many South Africans will have gotten to know their properties better than the architects who designed them. For some, this time will lead to ways they plan to improve their homes, for others, it will leave them desperately wanting to never see the same four walls […]

Lockdown tips: Simple steps to take control of your finances

Lockdown tips: Simple steps to take control of your finances The COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the globe and left economic destruction in its path. Now, more than ever, it is of utmost importance to take control of and manage your finances so that you can enter this time of uncertainty with the peace of […]

Safeguard your children’s inheritance

Safeguard your children’s inheritance Ensuring their children are cared for when they pass away is one of the primary reasons people draw up a will. But what happens when the best interests of the children that are left behind are not at the forefront when an estate is administered and maintenance needs to be paid? […]

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