NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

What’s next for the property market?

Many industries are piecing things back together again this year, as they try to recover from the effects of the pandemic or recreate themselves to remain relevant in a changing world. One industry that has been left unaffected to a great extent, and yet has had to re-create itself almost entirely in the same breath, […]

Marriage laws in South Africa are being renewed

Post-1994, the lawmakers in South Africa have attempted to be inclusive of religion and gender, by passing the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998, allowing for the registration of marriages under African customary law as well as the Civil Union Act, 2006, for the solemnisation of a civil partnership between two people regardless […]

The full accrual of an estate during a divorce

In the case of CM v EM it was held in the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa (“SCA”), case number 10861/2018, that: “The value of the Respondent’s right to future annuity payments in respect of Personal Portfolio Living Annuities (“the living annuities”) from Glacier Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd, a member of the Sanlam Group, is […]

How will the POPI Act affect the real estate industry?

On 1 July 2020, the enactment of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) commenced, which will come into full effect on 1 July 2021. As its name states, the POPI Act aims to promote the safeguarding of personal information by putting in place the necessary regulations and legislation needed to realise this. Since […]

How the repo rate affects your home loan

It was announced on 19 November 2020 that the national repo rate would remain unchanged at the historically low 3,5 %. While many were expecting an increase after a slightly strengthening economy, the unaffected rate is a welcome announcement to those repaying home loans. The primary benefit of a reduced repo rate lies in the […]

What a good conveyancing attorney does for you

Since property transfers are some of the highest-value transactions that you may make in your lifetime, it naturally follows that you need to ensure that you don’t let your money go to waste – especially when choosing someone to handle the process for you. Choosing the right conveyancing attorney can save you a lot of headaches down the […]

Intestate succession in life partnership relationships

On 28 September 2020, the Cape Town High Court handed down judgment in favour of Ms Bwanya directing that section 1(1) of the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987 (“the ISA”) is unconstitutional and invalid insofar as it excludes Ms Bwanya, a surviving life partner in a permanent opposite-sex life partnership, from inheriting from her deceased fiancé’s estate. The Facts Ms Bwanya and Mr […]

Is an e-will valid in South Africa?

In terms of South African law, for a will to be accepted as valid by the Master of the High Court (a statutory body to which deceased estates are reported), it must comply with the legal formalities as set out in section 1(a) of the Wills Act, 7 of 1953 (hereinafter referred to as the Wills Act). The main requirements in terms […]

Is cybercrime punishable in South Africa

The prosecution of cybercrime in South Africa is regulated by the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (“the ECTA”) and the Cybercrimes and Cybersecurity and Related Matters Bill (“the Bill”). Alongside these pieces of legislation exists the common law, as well as the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (“the Constitution”). The ECTA and the Bill are to be read in conjunction with the common law […]

Buying and selling: Avoid the potential nightmare

Buying a new home is always an adventure – but what if you’re still trying to bring a previous adventure to a close? Facilitating the transition of homeownership comes with an array of concerns that are unavoidable when the purchase of a new home and the sale of an old one occur simultaneously. The two primary concerns for buyers who are sellers at the same time are finances and logistics. If the transition is to be facilitated successfully, […]

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