NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Get ahead of potential problems in your transfer process

Selling your property should be a relatively painless process. However, it is important to note that the obligations of the Seller do not end at simply signing the Offer to Purchase and moving out of the Property. Some of the most common issues that come up during the sale of the Property are as follows: […]

Should I plan my estate as a young adult?

It is very important for you to plan your estate, which could include a living will, a last will and a living trust. This can help families prepare for difficult times when you are no longer around to assist or advise them. Our lives get busier and more complicated by the day, so estate planning […]

Demystifying the executor of a deceased estate

During a person’s lifetime s/he will gather assets, in other words, belongings such as a house or a motor vehicle. These assets and liabilities will form part of a person’s estate. At the death of that person, his/her deceased estate must be administered, in other words, divided, distributed and controlled by someone. This person is […]

Preparing your budget for your dream home

Purchasing a new home is undoubtedly an exciting decision, but it is also an extremely emotional one. A home is where family traditions are brought to life and where lifelong memories are made. However, in addition to the immense pride that comes with having a place to call your own, comes the heavy costs that […]

Why is real estate such a trusted investment?

Buying real estate is more than finding the right home or location for your business – owning property is an investment that holds more benefits than you might know. Income Predictability While interest rates may alter mortgage repayments at first, real estate offers a somewhat constant financial investment. Once home loans are repaid in full, […]

Protect your business from Cyberattacks

Since the POPI Act was introduced, many businesses have taken the time and effort to implement a POPI strategy that complies with the Act’s basic requirements. But for many businesses this will not be enough to stave off run-ins with the Information Regulator because they neglect one important strategy in POPI readiness: their staff. Digital […]

Deceased’s will declared invalid, despite clear wishes

The Wills Act sets out the requirements for a valid Last Will and Testament. For a will to be valid, it must be signed and witnessed. What happens if the wishes of the deceased are clear, but the document does not meet the requirements of a valid will? This was the heart of the matter […]

What documentation is needed for buying a property in South Africa?

You’ve scoured the web for what feels like weeks, and you’ve finally found your dream home! You’ve put in your offer, and it’s been accepted. But before you can pack your boxes and move into your dream home, there are certain requirements needed when buying a home in South Africa. Property sales are usually handled […]

The basics of creating a Last Will & Testament

Who your property is passed on to depends on whether you have a valid will or not. If you do have a valid will, then your property will be divided according to your wishes stated therein. If you die without a will (called “intestate”), then your property will be divided amongst your immediate family according […]

The current state of the rental market

While restaurants, shopping malls and beaches may look somewhat similar to what they did before the pandemic, nevermind lockdown regulations and social distancing protocols, the real estate rental market has not recovered quite as well as the consumer market. Studies conducted by the TPN Credit Bureau have indicated that, at the start of the hard lockdown of 2020, only half of short-term credit accounts were paid in “current” terms. […]

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