NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

My neighbours are renovating

What one’s neighbour builds on their property, is not something the owner of the neighbouring property has a lot of control over. Unfortunately, it can have a negative impact on your property if the building work completed on your neighbour’s property does not comply with building regulations. Furthermore, it can be aesthetically displeasing, and be […]

Maintenance of surviving spouse

The idea of freedom of testation is a core value of South African law and enjoys wide protection. The Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act, 27 of 1990, was drafted to give a spouse legal recourse if disinherited or negatively affected by the wishes of the testator, or in the case of intestate succession. The goal […]

Collation in your will

The South Africa common law presumption of collation (collatio bonorum) is alive and well. This presumption is rooted in the belief that a testator intended that there should be equality in the distribution of his estate among his descendants (“children”). Collation is the process by which the inheritance of certain descendants (heirs)of the deceased is […]

Selling your property? How to stage your home

If you want to ensure that your property sells quickly, staging your home could help. If you stage your home, you are presenting it in the best possible light and condition, which will make it easier for potential purchasers to imagine themselves living there. So, how do you stage your home? Declutter your home When […]

Before buying a property

You’ve searched far and wide for the perfect home for you and your family, and you’ve finally found it, or so you thought. Buying a home, especially for the first time, is as overwhelming as it is exciting. You’ve viewed your dream home, but remember, you receive so much information during your viewing, that you […]

Trustees’ duties and powers

All the powers of a trustee are ‘fiduciary’, which means that they must be exercised as follows: in the best interests of all the beneficiaries; only for the benefit of the beneficiaries and not for third parties; not for the trustees’ benefit, unless specifically authorised; and not to defeat the terms of the trust, but […]

The Economy and the Property Market in 2019

There is no doubt that 2018 was a very challenging year for both the economy and the property market. As 2019 is in full swing, you can’t help but wonder what challenges this year will hold for both the economy and the property market. In 2018, it was mainly business as usual, however, it is […]

Electronic signing of documentation

The commercial world is currently moving to greater levels of digitisation. Organisations are implementing automated and electronic solutions in an effort to improve efficiency and better the environmental footprint at the same time. The move to digitisation and electronic signatures prompted questions surrounding the legality of these documents. This article aims to highlight certain legal […]

New “expat tax” law amendment

National Treasury and the SARS officials on Wednesday 6th March 2019 confirmed that it is going ahead with its plans to implement an ‘expat tax’ amendment to the South African Income Tax Act by 1st March 2020. Currently the South African Income Tax Act states that, South Africans working abroad for more than 183 days […]

First-time home buyer?

Buying a property is a rather big deal, which is why you should be sure that you are able to afford it before you end up running into debt. Owning your own home is a very rewarding experience, but there are usually some obstacles along the way. Follow the steps the below to be sure […]

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