NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Your home away from home

Your home away from home Finding a holiday home isn’t as simple as choosing your favourite holiday spot and packing your bags. With the urge to buy a holiday home, a decision like this demands time and careful consideration. Let it simmer. This is not a holiday – this is an investment. Just like those […]

Understanding mergers and acquisitions

Understanding mergers and acquisitions Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) are a natural process of any business, although not all businesses go through this form of transition. Merging is when two companies combine to be one, and acquisition is where one company buys an existing one. Doing either one of these requires corporate restructuring. Smaller businesses may […]

Has your braai been approved?

Has your braai been approved? Every HOA has applicable building guidelines which are stipulated in a Constitution or Memorandum of Incorporation (“MOI”) which every homeowner should be made aware of, read and understood. The guidelines will differ from estate to estate and it is important for the homeowners to adhere to these provisions. When one […]

The validity of an e-will

The validity of an e-will In terms of South African law, for a will to be accepted as valid by the Master of the High Court (a statutory body to which deceased estates are reported), it must comply with the legal formalities as set out in section 1(a) of the Wills Act, 7 of 1953 […]

Methods of valuation

Methods of valuation A business valuation is a process whereby a value is placed on a business or a business unit, based on the historical and projected financial performance of the business.  It is critical, as a shareholder or business owner, to know what your business is worth in order to make sound business decisions […]

Sectional title bliss

Sectional title bliss Where starter homes in quiet suburbs used to be the norm when it came to first buys for working professionals and young couples, it seems like J.G. Ballard’s 1975 novel, High Rise, may have predicted the future of residential development accurately. More and more individuals and families alike are choosing to opt […]

Make the most of your rental property

Make the most of your rental property Investing in a property can be one of the best decisions you make. It is also one of the investments you need to consider most carefully to make sure you continue reaping its benefits when the market shifts. The key to an informed purchase and continuing growth is […]

What is a living Will?

A Living Will is a document regarding healthcare at the end of your life. It states that any treatment that would otherwise lengthen your life should be withheld in specific circumstances, such as being in a permanent vegetative state, irreversibly unconscious or terminally ill. Through a Living Will, you express the desire to die a […]

Shared titles, shared responsibility?

The case of Du Plooy and The Cascades Body Corporate and Another deals with a slip-and-fall incident by one of the owners in the scheme and member of the body corporate who was subsequently entrusted by the owners with the duty of the cleaning and gardening services. Mr. Du Plooy, as Plaintiff, slipped and fell […]

Equal treatment for shareholders

Section 163 focuses specifically on the interest of minority shareholders. The protection of minority shareholders’ rights must be understood within the context of the provisions set forth by the Act, the common law, the Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI) of the Company and the Shareholders’ Agreement (if applicable). In terms of this section, an applicant may […]

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