NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Parental rights in changing times

Parental rights in changing times When it comes to the structure of families, Bob Dylan described it adequately when he said, “the times they are a-changing’”. The liberation of sexual orientation and rise in popularity of alternative families have changed what society sees as the “norm” for families. The question is whether legislation has changed […]

Is the real estate market catering to everyone?

Is the real estate market catering to everyone? Knowing who’s in the lead when it comes to the property market is difficult. The traditional progression used to be: Finish your studies; find a job in which you’ll stay until retirement; get married; buy a starter home; start a family; work hard and finally retire. That […]

Sectional title schemes: A developer’s obligations

Sectional title schemes: A developer’s obligations A developer who wishes to establish a sectional title scheme on a piece of land where there is an existing building, has certain statutory obligations should the building be wholly or partially let for residential purposes. This is not applicable to commercial leases. The Sectional Titles Act 95 of […]

Co-realty in 2020

Co-realty in 2020 “…we may be about to see a shift of generational proportions toward [an]… array of real estate demands, ironically induced – at least partially – by technology. Overcoming isolation is becoming increasingly imperative, as seen in such trends as co-working and co-living.” Emerging Trends in Real Estate: United States and Canada 2020 […]

The effects of expropriation without compensation

The effects of expropriation without compensation For many whose homes are where their hearts are, the Draft Expropriation Bill, 2019, which seeks to legalise land expropriation without compensation, is proving to be of great concern, especially after it was released for comment on 21 December 2019. The biggest concern is what effect the expropriation will have […]

Clauses in Sale of Property agreements

Clauses in Sale of Property agreements The sale or purchase of a property is a very important transaction in one’s life. The parties to a Sale of Land Agreement will inevitably enter into a contractual relationship which will have legal consequences for both the purchaser and the seller. It is often the case that contracts […]

Red flags when buying property

Red flags when buying property You’ve found your dream home and you can’t be more excited, but there are few things to keep in mind before you sign the papers and pack your boxes. It is important to remember that there are various “red flags” that you need to look out for before purchasing, as […]

Freedom of defamation is not a thing

Freedom of defamation is not a thing It is correct that one has the right to freedom of expression, but it is important to remember that this right is limited. When one oversteps the limitations, it can lead to the defamation of another person’s good name and reputation. Defamation is a part of the law […]

Estate Planning: Documents to live by

Estate Planning: Documents to live by If you can believe it, we are already at the end of January. With all the beginning-of-year struggles and excitement, there is something to keep in mind – your New Year’s resolutions. It is never too late to become better organised. One of the best ways to become better […]

Is an e-will valid in South Africa?

Is an e-will valid in South Africa? In terms of South African law, for a Will to be accepted as valid by the Master of the High Court (a statutory body to which deceased estates are reported), it must comply with the legal formalities as set out in section 1(a) of the Wills Act, 7 […]

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