NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Some pointers for planning your estate

The main aim of planning your estate is to ensure that as much of the accumulated wealth is utilised for your own benefit and for the maximum utilisation of dependents on your death. “Estate planning” has been defined as the process of creating and managing a programme that is designed to: Preserve, increase and protect […]

Tenant and landlord – what are your rights and obligations?

Sandra would like to move into her own place but like many people she is unsure what a lease is and what responsibilities it will place on her. A lease agreement is defined as the agreement entered into between the tenant and the landlord for the leasing of a property. The lease agreement regulates the […]

Are there limitations on ownership rights?

It is a recognised principle of property law that ownership does not confer absolute and unlimited entitlement on the owner, but that various limitations exist in the interest of the community and for the benefit of other people. The most important limitation on the owner in the interest of the community as a whole is […]

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