NGL Attorneys | Commercial, Business and Property Law

Post-lockdown property

Post-lockdown property At the end of the national lockdown, many South Africans will have gotten to know their properties better than the architects who designed them. For some, this time will lead to ways they plan to improve their homes, for others, it will leave them desperately wanting to never see the same four walls […]

Lockdown tips: Simple steps to take control of your finances

Lockdown tips: Simple steps to take control of your finances The COVID-19 pandemic has spread across the globe and left economic destruction in its path. Now, more than ever, it is of utmost importance to take control of and manage your finances so that you can enter this time of uncertainty with the peace of […]

Safeguard your children’s inheritance

Safeguard your children’s inheritance Ensuring their children are cared for when they pass away is one of the primary reasons people draw up a will. But what happens when the best interests of the children that are left behind are not at the forefront when an estate is administered and maintenance needs to be paid? […]

Parental rights in changing times

Parental rights in changing times When it comes to the structure of families, Bob Dylan described it adequately when he said, “the times they are a-changing’”. The liberation of sexual orientation and rise in popularity of alternative families have changed what society sees as the “norm” for families. The question is whether legislation has changed […]

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